The secret societies of the Third Reich:The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn

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The logo of the Golden Dawn

The logo of the Golden Dawn



The Order of the G.D. in the Outer is a Hermetic Society whose members are

taught the principles of Occult Science and the Magic of Hermes. During the

early part of the second half of the 19th Century, several adepti and chiefs

of this order in France and England died, and their deaths caused a

temporarily dormant condition of Temple work. Prominent among these were

Eliphas Levi, Ragow, Kenneth R. H. Mackenzie, author of the Masonic

Encyclopedia and Frederick Hackley, possessed of crystal vision whose M.S.S.

we highly esteemed. These and other adepti received their knowledge and

power from predecessors of greater imminence and have handed down to us


doctrine and system of Theosophy and Hermetic Science of the Higher


from a series of practical investigations whose origin is traced to the

Fratres Rosae Crucis of Germany, which association was founded by Christian

Rosenkrawz about 1398. He and the theologian, Valentine Andrea, have left

us, in the works published about 1614, an account of the exoteric

arrangements of the Rosicrucian Society. It seems likely it was Andrea who

published in 1614 the Fama Fraternitatis, or Theory of the Society, which

must have been derived from the old records of the pupils of Christian

Rosenkrawz. But even this arrival of mysticism was a new development of the

older wisdom of the Qabalistic Rabbis and of that very ancient secret

knowledge of the magic of the Egyptians into which Moses had been initiated.

Through the Qabalah, indeed, Europe became possessed of the ancient


more than from any one other source, for the Hebrews were taught at one time

by the Egyptians and later by the Chaldees of Babylon.

It is curious that the classic nations, the Greeks and Romans, have handed

down to us but slight glimpses of the Ancient Magic, and this is more

notable because Greece succeeded to the mastership of Egypt, and Rome to the

Empire of both the Greeks and Jews. Greece did indeed succeed to a share in

the mysteries of the Egyptians for the Eleusinian Mysteries were copies of

A temple of the Golden Dawn society.

A temple of the Golden Dawn society.

the ancient ceremonies of Isis, Osiris and Serapis; but they lacked true

magic. And further, the classic writings contain but faint glimpses of even

the Eleusinian Mysteries, and these disclose the fact that the pupils were

partly ignorant of the true mysteries, a notable example of which is seen in

the use of the words Konx Om Pax, of which they knew not the meaning, the

words being the Greek imitation or translation of really ancient Egyptian

words, whose meanings has been kept secret for centuries. Hence the 0=0

Grade is found to possess Egyptian characteristics and symbolism and the

Higher Grades will reveal the source of much of the culture and illustrate

the language of Eliphas Levi, through whose adeptship the study of occultism

has been popularized.

Some original  masters of the Goldn Dawn society.

Some original masters of the Goldn Dawn society.

The First Order is a group of four grades of which Neophytes are admissible

when approved by the G.H. Chiefs after showing themselves possessed of

sufficient aptitude and knowledge. Beyond the above, there are three grades

of Adeptship forming the Second Order . These have the power of selecting

Candidates, initiating students into the lower grades and their Chiefs have,

in addition, the power of issuing warrants of Temples such as that of Isis

Urania. But the highest of all in this ancient scheme are the Great Rulers

of the whole system who severally sustain and govern the Third Order, which

includes three Magic Titles of Honor and Supremacy. These represent the

Supernal Triad of the Sephiroth and are shrouded and unapproachable to the

profane and to all others but the Chiefs of the Adepts. In case of a vacancy

in this Order, the Chief most learned Adept obtains by decree the

well-earned award.

The tree of Life.

The tree of Life.

The scheme of the G.D. then is formed upon the type of the Decad of the

Sephiroth, the ten Emanations of Deity as figured in the Qabalah whose

professors were illuminated by the higher magic of the ancient world. The

grades of the First Order will be found to be Hebrew in design and tendency;

and inasmuch as the influx of time brought on the revelation of the

Christos, the Tiphareth, the Beauty of Microprosopos, Christian design is

reflected in the higher degrees.

The Neophyte Grade and the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Grades, which this present

Isis Urania Temple is authorized to confer after due examination and

approval, posses rituals and secrets which have been received from the G.H.

Chief adepts and these are placed in our hands to use in the tuition of

pupils in the ancient methods of this Order. This Temple (Isis Urania) was

consecrated as a successor to Hermanubis No. 2 which had ceased to exist

owing to the death of all its Chiefs.

The Temple No. 1 of Licht, Liebe, Libra is a group of Continental mystics

who have not been in the habit of performing ceremonies in open lodge, but

have conferred the grades chiefly in privacy and in the presence of two or

three members, so there is no accurate record of name and rank of all these

members. Soon after the formation of Temple

No. 3, permission was granted for the consecration of Osiris Temple No. 4 at

Weston-Super-Mare under rule of V.H. Frater « Crux dat Salubrem » and the


of England has been assigned to him as a province. Almost at the same time,

the Horus Temple No. 5 under the rule of V.H. Fratre « Vote Vita Mea » was

also consecrated at Bredford in Yorkshire. These three Temples have members

also in the United States, Hindustan, Palestine, Denmark, etc.

The name of the Order in various languages is:

In Hebrew: Morning Light Shining Society (Chabrath (or Chaorah) Zoreh


Bakker) which means The Society of the Shining Light of Dawn.

In Latin: Aurora.

In German: Die Goldene Demmerung.

In French: L’Aube d’ Oré.

Reference may now be made to the Society which was reconstructed by Robert

Wentworth Little, student of the mysteries. This Society, which has branches

in England, Scotland and the United States, is allied with the G.D. It

perpetuated one form of Rosicrucian initiation which was conferred 100 years

ago in England and which was mentioned by Godfrey Higgins in his work The

Anacalypsis, or an Attempt to Withdraw the Veil of the Saitic Isis. Fratre

Little was a student of the school of Levi and also an eminent Freemason,

and the Rosicrucian Society as revised by him was made by intention and

permission essentially masonic, thus severing all connection with those

Adepts who have not been Craftsmen, as Basil Valentine, Artephus, Nicolas

Flamel, Jacob Behmen and Robert Fludd. The Rosicrucian Society in the same

manner fails to recognize any worth for occult research in women.

Aleister Crowley,the real true  founder of the Golden Dawn.

Aleister Crowley,the real true founder of the Golden Dawn.

This is

also an innovation or the scheme of the Ancient Mysteries in many of which,

notably those of Isis priestesses and virgin prophetesses, were prominent

Note specifically, that there are several instances in the ancient M.S. of

our Order, which are written in cypher, where reference is made to the

fratres and sorores, the words « her or him » occur showing that in olden

time, as at the present day, women rose to high rank and attainment in the

secret knowledge of the Order. Mention may be suitably made to Pernelle, the

wife and fellow-worker of Nicolas Flamel, of Martine Berthereau, companion

of Baron Jean de Chatelet who died about 1645 and of the widow lady

afterwards symbolized by him as Sophia (Heavenly Wisdom), fellow student


inspirer of John Georg Gichtel who died about 1700. The occultists of today

cannot need to be reminded of the great Hermetists and Theosophists of

recent times: of D. Anna Kingsford, who was indeed illuminated by the Sun of

Light; of Madame Blavatsky, leader of the T.S. No occult student, however

wide apart his own favored path of wisdom, could fail to recognize in her a

master mind in a woman’s frame.

I cannot fail to express the lament which followed the passing of D. William

Robert Woodman, for many years known as the supreme Magus of the Society

Ros. in Anglia which is exoteric in its outer grades but whose concerns are

regulated by an inner circle of adepti who still hold the secrets of the

R.:. C.:. and its masonic society.

The eastern school of Theosophy and Occultism and our own Hermetic Society

of the G.D. are fraternities of students whose predecessors must have come

from the same stock of magi as the scientific priests of a remote antiquity.

The two Societies, different in modes of teaching and in language, are

allied by mutual understanding and respect, and their aim is similar. Be

assured that the Order of the G.D. can show the way to much secret knowledge

and spiritual progress and lead true and patient students who can Will,

Dare, Learn and Be Silent to the Summum Bonum, True Wisdom, and Perfect